Uganda is one of the most liberal countries with some of the friendliest people in Africa and the world. There is not so much to worry about that you may do and cause you trouble with the locals. The Ugandan people are very kind and accommodative of foreigners, that even when a foreigner is in the wrong, he or she shall be handled with kindness most of the times. They understand the foreigner is not aware of much of the traditions and norms of the community.

Planning for your gorilla trekking trip in Uganda, a short wildlife safari trip to Murchison Falls National Park Uganda’s biggest park or a long tour vacation in Uganda? Below are some of the things to avoid doing when visiting Uganda to avoid raising eyebrows and keep you from trouble:

Taking pictures of locals without their consent

Children are excited to have their pictures taken and will even invite you to photograph them. It is however different with adults. Most people do not want their pictures taken by a stranger. If you see an individual with a colorful dress or engaged in an activity you find interesting and want to take a picture, please approach them and ask for their permission.

However if the face is not very visible from your angle you can “steal” a shot without their knowledge.

Taking pictures of security personnel and installations

This is perhaps a standard everywhere, taking pictures of the country’s security personnel and security installations is prohibited. Once caught the repercussions can be dire. Large bridges over water are normally protected by military which may not be in view, so before taking a picture of a bridge establish if there is security, or simply avoid taking pictures of bridges (especially over the River Nile). You will cross security-manned bridges over the Nile in the east (say if you are on the day trip to Jinja or visiting Sipi Falls) and also towards the north (especially on the safari tour to Murchison Falls National Park).

Wearing skimpy especially in rural areas

A large part of the country is still very traditional that revealing of skin (especially for women) is considered immoral. A lady tourist putting on small shorts will draw excitement (close to sexual harassment) from the young men and scorn from the adults.

However, on the contrary, in parts of north eastern Uganda among the Karimojong people, nudity is in fact part of tradition that you will be surprised to find adult people who simply cover their reproductive organs and leave the rest of the body uncovered. Other young men can move completely naked! You will meet this interesting group of people with this unique culture if you planned a safari trip to Kidepo Valley National Park.

Public show of affection e.g. kissing

Public show of affection such as kissing is considered immoral for the traditional and religious Ugandan society. The traditional way of showing affection publicly is by hugging and handshake. If you want to kiss on the lips it is best to find somewhere private such as in a hotel or where there won’t be any onlookers.

Taking a random boda-boda motorcycle taxi

Jumping on a motorcycle taxi (locally called boda-boda) looks enticing when you want to get somewhere quick in the chaotic Kampala City, but you are one second away from getting crippled or even death. The motorcycle taxis are famous for being the most reckless mode of transport and are one of the biggest threats to safety in the cities. This and more are covered in our blog where we discuss the top safety concerns for tourists in Uganda and how to tourists can keep safe. Please check it out for more.


Francesca January 29, 2023

Are christians safe in UGANDA


    eatrails February 3, 2023

    Hi Francesca,
    Christians are very safe in Uganda. More than 80% of the population identifies as Christian, so it is more or less a Christian country. You are welcome to visit


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